Timber Preservation
Timber Preservation has various types such as the DIY range. It is very important when selecting the preservative that it is suited to the particular needs of the timber. Otherwise it can result in inappropriate work being carried out and the cost being dead money.
We have a selection of treatments and we are fully approved for their use. Our experience guarantees that we choose the correct treatment and provide the correct solution for your particular need.
Our treatments first of all acts as a preservative, also protects the timber and eliminates most wood boring insects and also offers protection against wood destroying fungi.
These products should only be used by fully trained professional operators who will fully implement the correct terms of use for application and health & safety.
Wood Boring Insects
Woodworm is a collective name for most wood boring insects. It is unsightly and can affect the structural integrity of timber. Therefore it is advisable to have it treated when first noticed.
It can be eliminated by our specially formulated solution which is highly effective, and our modern treatments are so advanced that re-entry of the property can be confined to 1 hour.
The following image show timber infected with woodworm.